Monday, 6 December 2010

Is climate change talk fest on again?

Name:        CHAN, Sin Fong
Subject:     Is climate change talk fest on again?
Visit Time: 6/12/2010 2:17 PM

Global warming is real from day one. Each year 4 one quintillion Joules (4 x 10 to the power of 18 Joules) of Solar energy reaches the Earth, but only 300 trillion Joules (3 x 10 to the power of 14 Joules) are consumed by the world's population. There is plenty of energy left to warm the Earth.

Why Australia failed in the World Cup 2022 bid

Name:        CHAN, Sin Fong
Subject:     Why Australia failed in the World Cup 2022 bid
Visit Time: 6/12/2010 2:14 PM

Australia is really a bad loser for hosting FIFA World Cup 2022.

The AUD45 million is a complete waste of money. OK over 200 years ago this was a country filled with convicts transported from POME land, but history just repeats itself telling the world that even an Australian kangaroo can commit a crime like stealing the World Cup from FIFA.

The presentation does not depict logo of FIFA, excitement of a soccer game, venues, support of the game by the people of Australia. Instead, yesterday's heroes who are not soccer fans endorsing the bid. Using Julia Gillard is such a bad idea, who needs a lot of training on her voice and acting.

No, such presentation does not deserve a tick of approval!

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

China banning lobster import from Australia

Name:        CHAN, Sin Fong
Subject:     China banning lobster import from Australia
Visit Time: 1/12/2010 12:42 AM

Australia's economy is over dependent on China. China is the largest trading partner of Australia - China relies on our iron ore and coal.

Australia is holding a trump card at present, probably until China owns enough mines in other offshore countries. The decline in students coming from China is a huge blow to our economy, but has been swept under the carpet.

Now, out of blue, Chinese are banning the lobsters. What's next?