Tuesday, 19 September 2006

Speak English and respect the Laws

Name:        CHAN, Sin Fong
Subject:     Speak English and Respect the Laws
Visit Time: 19/09/2006 10:54 AM

The Bible talks about the Tower of Babel; without a uniform language, Australia is divided and people misunderstood. By not understanding basic English, one can't understand our basic Laws in Australia.

English has been in used and spoken by majority of Australians in Parliament, commerce, society at large, and at home. It should be adopted as the primary language. This does not imply that anyone is barred from using or learning other languages when needs arise.

I doubt anyone in Australia can clearly define what Australian values are; how can any visitor, immigrant, or for that matter any Australian, understand or accept Australian values?

While some people here and abroad may have good intention to promote national harmony or unity in songs with phrases like "we are one, we are many", or "one people, one nation", we should courage the residents of Australia to be "one nation, one citizen". I can't change my genetics, my childhood upbringing and believes, etc., but I can adopt new ways of living and so-called culture, when I took up the Australian citizenship.

Today's world is one of great suspicion and intolerance. Verbal conflicts turn into physical violence, and wars. This is the time for Australia to be united, and to do so, all Australians should be patriotic to Australia and should have national pride. The "knocking" mentality should be discarded, and we should be proud of this great nation we live in. As to the Australian flag, this is a representation of Australia. We can't bring Australia overseas but we can hang a flag to show Australia's presence.

I'm an Australian, born in Malaysia of Chinese descent!