Saturday, 4 November 2006

Global warming - a scare campaign?

Name:        CHAN, Sin Fong
Subject:     Global warming - a scare campaign?
Visit Time: 4/11/2006 11:52 AM

The doomsday prophets are on the go again. After billions if not trillions of dollars had been wasted worldwide on fixing the Y2K problems, the latest scare campaign on global warming is scandalous.

Unscrupulous campaigners convince many Australians that by stopping the opening of new coalmine will help in curbing the greenhouse effect. Unfortunately, these campaigners may be from competing nations, which also export coal. Coal is not only used for power generation; it is also used for the production of steel. Coal mining creates many direct and indirect employment, and brings in export dollars.

While some rural towns in southeastern and southern parts of Australia are experiencing severe droughts, other places in Australia and abroad receive good rainfall and even flood.

Throughout the past many centuries, the exposed area of the sea has not diminished; and if the earth is warming up, the evaporation rate should be higher, and therefore, rain should fall more frequently. The hypothesis about global warming causing severe droughts seems contradictory.

The crystal ball gazers reckon that the global warming will cause the melting of polar ice and drought. The sea level will rise to as much as 25 metres. If that is the case, why should we worry about the drought? Arid land will be flooded and irrigated by the rising water. The Simpson Desert, the Sahara Dessert and the Gobi Dessert, just to name a few, will probably become fertile farmland which could support a couple more billion people.

Before the sea level increases to such height, much of the water will have channelled into the existing river system, or new rivers formed. Part of the water will also fill the artesian wells, which for the past decades, have been drained close to empty for farm use and domestic consumption.

Carbon capturing, carbon trading, recycling, and reducing greenhouse gas emission do not solve global warming. It's about time scientists should think spherically to find a solution in cooling the earth - that's right, GLOBAL COOLING!