Name: CHAN, Sin Fong
Subject: Islamic School
Visit Time: 29/05/2008 1:51 AM
Many Christian churches run Sunday school. Can the Muslims do likewise? After that being said, will the residents in Camden oppose a Wesley College or Trinity College be constructed on the proposed site? I don’t agree with those residents declaring the rejection of the school plan as a victory for "decency" (whatever it means). I consider that It as a “victory” of naivety and ignorance.
The Muslim community in Camden should not treat this as a matter of racism. It is just common human nature. Human beings are territorial and full of suspicion. People divide their countries into states and territories, suburbs, cities, and streets. Not many people welcome intrusion by outsiders. There are enough movies showing how human beings can be so easily frightened by landing of foreign (Martian) spacecraft on earth. Closer to earth, we don’t welcome foreigners coming within the territorial waters uninvited.