Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Should Dalai Lama practise what he preaches?

Name:        CHAN, Sin Fong
Subject:     Should Dalai Lama practise what he preaches?
Visit Time: 13/06/2007 10:27 AM

While I do not claim to be a philosopher, I find the Dalai Lama's actions are in conflict with his views at times. The Dalai Lama's teaching, to some extent, is similar to what Dale Carnegie's, who wrote the book "How to Win Friends and Influence People".

I watched the The National Press Club Address - The Holiness Dalai Lama program on Tuesday 12 June 2007. There are certain points he raised at the address seem paradoxical, and he should practise what he preaches. He reckoned China had long been ignored by the world, and implied that having good relationship with China, the world could influence China's actions.

The Dalai Lama promotes world peace and harmony, but his meetings with the opposition leader Kevin Rudd and the Prime Minister John Howard provoke ill will between Australia and China. If Australia's relationship with China is "rock solid" (John Howard would probably use the term}, then Australia could in a better position to help the Dalai Lama or Tibetan people to reconcile the differences with China - with or without divine intervention (shall we pray?).

This is definitely a political football game!